by Eco Care | May 26, 2020
The warmer months are here, and the flowers are all blooming. It’s common knowledge that the beauty we see in spring is thanks to the most famous pollinator: the bee. Bees play an essential role not just in our garden, but around the world.
by Eco Care | Aug 28, 2019
As we’ve discussed recently, honey bees can actually be very helpful. For example, about 1/3 of all food consumed in the U.S. can be attributed to pollination from the honey bee, according to the USDA. That’s about $15 billion in crops each year!
by Eco Care | Aug 1, 2019
It’s summertime and the bees are buzzing! Now, when most of us see bees or any of their stinging brethren, we instantly think, “Run away!” And if you are near a nest, that’s the right reaction to have, especially if you’re allergic.