Call us today for a free estimate 410.465.3709.Warm Weather Pests are HERE!
Warm weather has finally arrived in Howard County and Central Maryland and that means an INCREASE in pest activity. Here's what YOU can expect to see: Odorous House Ant colonies are ramping up their foraging activity in and around homes. Carpenter Bees are quite...
Spring is here! And so are the ants…
Spring is here and with it are the stirrings of a number of pest species. One of the most invasive pests by far is the odorous house ant. It is a small brown to blackish ant, only 1/8 inch in length, and has a noticeable odor when crushed. Although they don’t cause...
Howard County Pest Report : Late Spring
It seems some of the normal household insects seen during the spring in Howard County have gotten off to a late start. Odorous house ants and carpenter ants have been fairly active but carpenter bees and paper wasps have been slow to develop and are now just becoming...