Call us today for a free estimate 410.465.3709.The NOT so Itsy Bitsy Spider
Did you know there are over 35,000 species of Spiders? Spiders in Maryland play a crucial role in insect pest control. Their webs and hunting skills control the population of problem insects such as mosquitoes. Despite the undeniable environmental benefits that...
Fireflies and Bugs that Glow
Fireflies and Bugs That Glow Sparks dancing in the night sky, fireflies are appealing in ways that few other insects are. To find out all about fireflies, read on. Fireflies, Lightning Bugs and Glowworms Fireflies and lightning bugs are the same thing, and they're...
Pests that Sting: Yellow Jackets and Bees
Yellow jackets and bees play a beneficial role in the environment, but large populations of them often become an annoyance and might require control to co-exist together peacefully. Preventing/Controlling When spring and summer arrive, Maryland homeowners start to...
Pests that Sting: Wasps and Hornets
When summer arrives in Maryland, wasp and hornet sightings become commonplace. Although you try to avoid these stinging insects, occasional run-ins are inevitable. European Hornets and Bald Faced Hornets In Maryland, you'll find only one common type of hornet: the...
Pest that Sting
Nobody likes being stung by an insect. In most cases, a sting causes localized pain, swelling and itching. A few individuals will go into anaphylactic shock as a result of a sting, a life-threatening reaction that requires immediate medical aid. Types of Stinging...
Summer Insect Fun
Learn More About Summer Insects As the days get warmer and longer, plenty of things that were hiding in the winter will reappear. Flowers bloom, pools open and the students are freed from their classrooms. Bugs are no exception! Just like kids, insects come out to...
Pantry Pests
Can you Spot the Indian Meal Moth in these Grains? If you’re like me, seeing something crawling around in your breakfast cereal will make you lose your appetite. It’s true that I find insects fascinating, but that doesn’t mean I want to find them in my food. The...
Classifying Insects
Facts about Insects for Kids, Adults TOO! There are over 1 million insect species around the world. Many are common and often found around most homes. Ants, cockroaches, grasshoppers, termites and butterflies are all classified as 'insects.' Surprising, spiders,...
Invasive Species in Maryland
Invaders of the Buggy Kind Spring has arrived in Maryland, and with it the inevitable appearance of a wide array of insects around and inside the home. Most of the insects homeowners encounter are native to Maryland and easily recognized by locals, but in recent years...