When Stinging Pests Are Actually Helpful

When Stinging Pests Are Actually Helpful

It’s summertime and the bees are buzzing! Now, when most of us see bees or any of their stinging brethren, we instantly think, “Run away!” And if you are near a nest, that’s the right reaction to have, especially if you’re allergic.

3 Insects that Can Make You Sick this Summer

3 Insects that Can Make You Sick this Summer

The summer is the ideal season to spend time outside. Unfortunately, there are insects out there ready to prey on any unsuspecting soul. Their bites not only cause itching and irritation, a major distraction from your fun activities, but they are also hazardous to your long term health, especially if you don’t address them immediately.

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly About Beetles

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly About Beetles

Here at EcoCare we love The Beatles! Yes, we know that’s the world famous British pop band. But we’re also interested in beetles. You know, the kind creep crawly kind. June 25th is actually Global Beatles Day, and we thought it’d be a good time to discuss some of the 115 beetle species you might see in Maryland, which ones are good, which ones are bad, and which ones are just plain ugly.

What to Plant to Attract Good Bugs

What to Plant to Attract Good Bugs

We spend a lot of time thinking and talking about insects that are dangerous or at least a nuisance, but there are actually a few good bugs to have around! There are many insects that help control the populations of other insects, and since May is a great time to do some planting, here are a few things you can put in your garden or around your house to attract the good bug.

Springtime Is Tick Time. Learn How to Protect Yourself.

Springtime Is Tick Time. Learn How to Protect Yourself.

Of all the insects to become active in Spring, few are as dangerous as ticks. Ticks are mostly known for carrying and transmitting Lyme disease, though they actually can infect humans and pets with several different, debilitating diseases.