Fireflies and Bugs that Glow

Fireflies and Bugs that Glow

Fireflies and Bugs That Glow Sparks dancing in the night sky, fireflies are appealing in ways that few other insects are. To find out all about fireflies, read on. Fireflies, Lightning Bugs and Glowworms Fireflies and lightning bugs are the same thing, and...
Pantry Pests

Pantry Pests

Can you Spot the Indian Meal Moth in these Grains? If you’re like me, seeing something crawling around in your breakfast cereal will make you lose your appetite. It’s true that I find insects fascinating, but that doesn’t mean I want to find them in my food. The...
Invasive Species in Maryland

Invasive Species in Maryland

Invaders of the Buggy Kind Spring has arrived in Maryland, and with it the inevitable appearance of a wide array of insects around and inside the home. Most of the insects homeowners encounter are native to Maryland and easily recognized by locals, but in recent years...
Some Pests Show Up Out Of NOWHERE

Some Pests Show Up Out Of NOWHERE

What To Do When They Seem To Be Outnumbering You. There are more than 900,000 different insect species in the world, and scientists think there are even more insect species that haven’t been identified yet. Fortunately, not all of these species are found in...
Seasonal Pests in Maryland

Seasonal Pests in Maryland

Short-Term Nuisance. Learn How To Spot Them And Keep Them At Bay. Although average high temperatures in Maryland can be 10 degrees lower in Oakland than in Columbia, the state enjoys a humid, subtropical climate, and in the summer this means one thing: pests. The fact...