Cicadas Make an Untimely Appearance in Maryland and DC

Cicadas Make an Untimely Appearance in Maryland and DC

Information You Need to Know About Cicadas Cicadas are often known for the loud, almost deafening, sounds they make. But these pests are also known for their long lifecycles. The last time cicadas emerged was in 2004 and these bugs weren’t due to emerge again until...
2016 Pest Roundup

2016 Pest Roundup

As the year draws to a close and 2017 quickly approaches, it is time to take a look back at all of the pests we have seen over the past year. From the ants in early spring to the termites in the summer, this year has been one of the worst for pests in Maryland. Let’s review some of the peskiest of 2016.

Field Mice: The Unwanted House Guests

Field Mice: The Unwanted House Guests

There is never a good time to find mice in your house, but the holidays are stressful enough without adding mice to the mix. Here are some ways you can avoid attracting the mice and ways to kick them out if they do sneak in.

Don’t Let The Bed Bugs Bite

Don’t Let The Bed Bugs Bite

You can have the cleanest home on the block and the bed bugs will still find their way inside. If you find yourself in this situation, don’t panic! There are ways to evict the bugs and go back to your peaceful and bug free bed.

Ticked Off About Lyme Disease

Ticked Off About Lyme Disease

Each year hundreds of thousands of people are effected by Lyme disease, a chronic illness that phantoms any number of other diseases and conditions. According to the CDC, Lyme disease is the fastest growing vector-borne, infectious disease in the United States.

“Wasps Going On?”

Wasps and Hornets play a crucial role in our ecosystem, but large populations of them can become annoying or even dangerous and require control to allow them to co-exist in peace together with humans.