It’s Stinkbug Season Again. Here’s What You Need to Know.

It’s Stinkbug Season Again. Here’s What You Need to Know.

Fall weather is almost here, and for many of us that means raking leaves, pumpkin spice everything, and stinkbugs. That’s right, everyone’s least favorite fall invader will soon arrive (if they haven’t already). While stinkbugs aren’t particularly dangerous to humans, they aren’t exactly pleasant to have around. After all, they’re called stinkbugs for a reason.

Are Butterflies Just Beautiful?

Are Butterflies Just Beautiful?

While we like to talk about insects that are mean, dangerous, or destructive (and how to get rid of them), there’s one insect that homeowners often want to attract. We’re talking about butterflies, of course. You may be surprised to learn that there are more than 150 species of butterflies in Maryland! They are quite beautiful, but are butterflies only something pretty to look at, or do they play a role in our ecosystem? And are there any dangerous species?

Are You Ready For Murder Hornets?

Are You Ready For Murder Hornets?

As if mosquitos, bees, and other stinging pests weren’t enough, we now have Murder Hornets to contend with. It sounds like the title of a 50s B-movie horror film, doesn’t it?