How To Pest Proof Your Holidays

How To Pest Proof Your Holidays

It’s that time of year when we get together with friends and family to celebrate the holidays and ring in the new year. But it’s also the time of year when pests of all sorts find their way into our homes, potentially disrupting your festivities.

3 Kitchen Pests That Will Spoil Your Holidays

3 Kitchen Pests That Will Spoil Your Holidays

The holiday season is essentially here, and while you might be dreaming of sugar plum fairies, some pests are dreaming of invading your kitchen. With all the bustle and excitement of the holidays, it can be easy to overlook a few signs of a kitchen pest invasion. But ignore them at your peril! These little critters can do a lot of damage to your holiday plans—especially if it involves food. Here are three pests you’ll want to keep an eye out for this holiday season.

What to Do If Spiders Invade Your Home

What to Do If Spiders Invade Your Home

Of all the pests that might invade your home, perhaps no other creature strikes more fear into the heart than snakes. Here in Maryland, there are a few snakes that are indeed dangerous. And while it’s rare to see them in your house, it can happen from time to time. Here are a couple of snakes to both look out for and stay clear of.

4 Fall Pests To Look Out For In Maryland

4 Fall Pests To Look Out For In Maryland

With shorter days and cooler weather, Autumn is a great time to cuddle up under a blanket with a warm drink and relax. Unfortunately, plenty of pests also like to cuddle up in warm places this time of year — particularly in your home! Drawn to the warmth and possibly the lure of food and water, many of our multi-legged friends are simply looking for an excellent place to hole up for the winter. Here are four bugs, in particular, that might find their way inside.

Should You Be Scared of Snakes in Maryland?

Should You Be Scared of Snakes in Maryland?

Of all the pests that might invade your home, perhaps no other creature strikes more fear into the heart than snakes. Here in Maryland, there are a few snakes that are indeed dangerous. And while it’s rare to see them in your house, it can happen from time to time. Here are a couple of snakes to both look out for and stay clear of.

Stop Stinkbugs From Invading Your Home This Fall

Stop Stinkbugs From Invading Your Home This Fall

For homeowners, stinkbugs are generally more of an unpleasant nuisance. Though they can do significant damage to gardens, they are harmless to both humans and structures. That said, if you see them in substantial numbers, you might have a problem.