The Invasion of the Odorous House Ants

The Invasion of the Odorous House Ants

Identifying and Controlling Your Odorous House Ant Problem Odorous house ants are one of the most common pests found in residential homes. Often found on countertops or running along floorboards, these ants scurry inside looking for refuge from the rainy weather. But...
Bats: A Gardener’s Friend and Home Owners Worst Nightmare

Bats: A Gardener’s Friend and Home Owners Worst Nightmare

Bats are helpful and friendly creatures. Eradicating bats from your house and placing a bat house in your backyard will offer you all the benefits that bats have to offer and give bats a safe, secure place to live all while circumventing the disadvantages that come with them.

Does My Pet Have Fleas?

Does My Pet Have Fleas?

Fleas are very active, jumping onto passing animals and burrowing down into their fur and onto their skin. They stay well hidden while biting and ingesting blood from the skin’s surface. This is extremely irritating to animals, and to humans as well, as the bites can cause severe itching and inflammation. If you have noticed your pet itching like crazy lately, then there may be a possibility it has fleas.

They’re Stinkin’ Everywhere!

They’re Stinkin’ Everywhere!

Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs will be back with a vengeance this fall, entering homes and buildings through cracks under windows, baseboards and sliding glass doors.

Ticked Off About Lyme Disease

Ticked Off About Lyme Disease

Each year hundreds of thousands of people are effected by Lyme disease, a chronic illness that phantoms any number of other diseases and conditions. According to the CDC, Lyme disease is the fastest growing vector-borne, infectious disease in the United States.

“Wasps Going On?”

Wasps and Hornets play a crucial role in our ecosystem, but large populations of them can become annoying or even dangerous and require control to allow them to co-exist in peace together with humans.