How to Get Rid of German Cockroaches

How to Get Rid of German Cockroaches

Of all the creepy crawlies that could invade your home, german cockroaches are among the worst. They get into everything—food, furniture, the walls—and they can be really difficult to fully get rid of. German cockroaches can lay as many as 40 eggs in one egg case! They breed incredibly fast, and if gone unchecked, can turn into a major infestation almost overnight. Not only are they gross to look at, but they also can carry bacteria that causes food poisoning, dysentery, and diarrhea.

How To Get Rid Of A Ladybug Infestation

How To Get Rid Of A Ladybug Infestation

While it’s great to have ladybugs in your garden (they love to eat garden pests, particularly aphids), having them in your home is another story. Granted, ladybugs are relatively harmless and can’t hurt you, but uncovering an infestation in your house can still be a bothersome. The worst that can happen is that they stain your walls with a yellowish secretion.

How To Stop A Stink Bug Invasion In Its Tracks

How To Stop A Stink Bug Invasion In Its Tracks

What’s brown, stinky, and wants to come into your home? It’s the aptly named brown marmorated stink bug, of course! Typically living outdoors when it’s warmer, as soon as September rolls around the stink bugs love to come inside to find comfort in your home. Unfortunately, that can make things a little uncomfortable for us humans.

When Stinging Pests Are Actually Helpful

When Stinging Pests Are Actually Helpful

It’s summertime and the bees are buzzing! Now, when most of us see bees or any of their stinging brethren, we instantly think, “Run away!” And if you are near a nest, that’s the right reaction to have, especially if you’re allergic.

3 Insects that Can Make You Sick this Summer

3 Insects that Can Make You Sick this Summer

The summer is the ideal season to spend time outside. Unfortunately, there are insects out there ready to prey on any unsuspecting soul. Their bites not only cause itching and irritation, a major distraction from your fun activities, but they are also hazardous to your long term health, especially if you don’t address them immediately.