3 Ways To Protect Your House From A Spring Insect Invasion

3 Ways To Protect Your House From A Spring Insect Invasion

Spring is here and that means one thing: Spring insects are coming! It’s this time of year when young insects leave the home looking for food and adventure. They might’ve been hibernating or quietly munching on the insides of your walls, but now that the weather’s getting nicer, they’re likely coming out in force.

How The Termite Lifecycle Can Help You Curb Infestations

How The Termite Lifecycle Can Help You Curb Infestations

One of the most destructive insects to have infest your home is termites. A termite colony can rip through wood and eat away at walls, floors, window sills, and even the foundation of your home. And now that it’s spring, they’re starting to emerge from their winter hiding places looking for new sources of food and to expand their colony.

Where Do Bugs Go in the Winter?

Where Do Bugs Go in the Winter?

Gnats, flies, mosquitos, bees…we’re used to seeing and hearing them frequently in spring, summer, and sometimes fall. But they’re obviously not around when the weather starts to turn cold. So where do they go? What do they do? What do they eat? You’d think it’s so cold that they’d all die, yet every year they come back like clockwork.

With Holiday Plants Also Comes Holiday Bug Infestations

With Holiday Plants Also Comes Holiday Bug Infestations

Few things help brighten up your home and put your family into the holiday spirit more than fresh plants. Whether it’s a lively poinsettia, a robust fir tree, or some holly wreathes, this time of year is full of plants and flowers that bring cheer and warmth to an otherwise cold season. Unfortunately, with these festive decorations also comes holiday bugs!

How to Get Rid of German Cockroaches

How to Get Rid of German Cockroaches

Of all the creepy crawlies that could invade your home, german cockroaches are among the worst. They get into everything—food, furniture, the walls—and they can be really difficult to fully get rid of. German cockroaches can lay as many as 40 eggs in one egg case! They breed incredibly fast, and if gone unchecked, can turn into a major infestation almost overnight. Not only are they gross to look at, but they also can carry bacteria that causes food poisoning, dysentery, and diarrhea.

What Is Environmentally Friendly Pest Control?

What Is Environmentally Friendly Pest Control?

While it’s great to have ladybugs in your garden (they love to eat garden pests, particularly aphids), having them in your home is another story. Granted, ladybugs are relatively harmless and can’t hurt you, but uncovering an infestation in your house can still be a bothersome. The worst that can happen is that they stain your walls with a yellowish secretion.