How to Get Rid of Spring Ants in Your House

How to Get Rid of Spring Ants in Your House

Ants are one of the more common home invaders in spring. Looking for new food and water sources, your home is an easy target for these quickly spreading nuisances. Ants are explorers and can easily get in through cracks, gaps, and other openings. And once they’ve found something they like, they create a scent trail that can attract other members of their colony.

Why NOW Is the Right Time to Stop Termites

Why NOW Is the Right Time to Stop Termites

As soon as the weather gets warmer and the ground begins to heat, termites like to come out of their winter hiding places searching for food, water, a new place to colonize, and probably a mate. Here are a few tips to ensure you survive the spring swarming season!

Cleaning Tips to Protect Your Home from a Spring Pest Invasion

Cleaning Tips to Protect Your Home from a Spring Pest Invasion

Spring is just around the corner, and that only means one thing: Insects are coming out of their winter shelters, hungry for food, water, and sometimes…love. Luckily, there are several steps you can take to ensure that the bugs stay out of your home…and out of your life. Now’s the perfect time to do them, too, before it’s too late.

Now Is the Time to Protect Your Home with Home Shield Plan

Now Is the Time to Protect Your Home with Home Shield Plan

If you love your home and want its value to appreciate over the years, then it’s worthwhile to get an Annual Home Shield Plan. With Eco Care Pest Management’s Annual Home Shield Plan, you get year-round protection from the pests we manage that might try to make a home inside yours.

Weird Questions (And Answers) About Insects

Weird Questions (And Answers) About Insects

Here at EcoCare Pest Control, we get a lot of questions about insects and other pests. Some of them are very common, and some of them are just downright weird. Because these aren’t your usual everyday questions, we thought it’d be fun to devote some time to answer some of the more off-the-wall questions we get from time to time. Here goes!

How To Pest Proof Your Holidays

How To Pest Proof Your Holidays

It’s that time of year when we get together with friends and family to celebrate the holidays and ring in the new year. But it’s also the time of year when pests of all sorts find their way into our homes, potentially disrupting your festivities.