They’re Stinkin’ Everywhere!

They’re Stinkin’ Everywhere!

Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs will be back with a vengeance this fall, entering homes and buildings through cracks under windows, baseboards and sliding glass doors.

Take The Sting Out Of Summer

Take The Sting Out Of Summer

A Q&A on Eastern Yellow Jackets Ah, the sun is out, the air is warm and you’re gearing up for a summer BBQ. Everything’s perfect—Until you stumble upon a swarm of yellow jackets. More specifically, you’ve probably found your little slice of heaven is infested with...
Termites: Serious and Destructive

Termites: Serious and Destructive

Are the “Silent Destroyers” in Your Home? Some pest problems are easily seen. Nests, swarms and tipped over garbage cans indicate a potential problem waiting to get worse. But what happens when the issue isn’t so obvious? There are about 2,000 known termite species in...
Never Just One

Never Just One

How to handle one of Maryland’s toughest pests: Ants. In the kitchen, bathroom, living room, office…everywhere! Large and small, ants seem to come out of thin air. You may not know where they’re coming from, but we can assure you, there’s never just a few. Ants are...
How To Protect Yourself From The Mosquito-Borne Zika Virus

How To Protect Yourself From The Mosquito-Borne Zika Virus

If the recent news stories about the Zika virus are worrying you, you may be wondering how to protect yourself and your family. Although the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Zika an international health emergency, it’s very easy for people living in...
Coping With Cockroaches

Coping With Cockroaches

It doesn’t matter if the weather is hot or cold in Maryland, you still need to watch out for pests invading your home. Cockroaches can be a particular problem during cold weather. Eco Care provides the following information Maryland residents to increase...