How To Get Rid Of A Ladybug Infestation

How To Get Rid Of A Ladybug Infestation

While it’s great to have ladybugs in your garden (they love to eat garden pests, particularly aphids), having them in your home is another story. Granted, ladybugs are relatively harmless and can’t hurt you, but uncovering an infestation in your house can still be a bothersome. The worst that can happen is that they stain your walls with a yellowish secretion.

How To Stop A Stink Bug Invasion In Its Tracks

How To Stop A Stink Bug Invasion In Its Tracks

What’s brown, stinky, and wants to come into your home? It’s the aptly named brown marmorated stink bug, of course! Typically living outdoors when it’s warmer, as soon as September rolls around the stink bugs love to come inside to find comfort in your home. Unfortunately, that can make things a little uncomfortable for us humans.

What’s So Cool About Being An Entomologist Anyway?

What’s So Cool About Being An Entomologist Anyway?

For most people, the idea of insects—either in the home or in the backyard and beyond—is gross, if not unsettling. We get it. They’re creepy, crawly, and potentially dangerous to humans and their houses. So what’s so cool about being an entomologist? We’ll tell you.