As summer winds down and August begins, Maryland homeowners need to prepare for the return of stinkbugs. These shield-shaped insects become a major nuisance as they seek shelter in homes during the cooler months. Taking preventive measures in August can help keep stinkbugs out of your living spaces.

Understanding the Stinkbug Invasion

Stinkbugs are notorious for their unpleasant odor, which they release when threatened or crushed. As temperatures drop, they begin to seek warm places to overwinter, and your home is an ideal target. Stinkbugs enter through cracks and gaps in walls, windows, and doors, and they can be challenging to eliminate once inside.

August Prevention Tips

1. Seal Entry Points Inspect your home’s exterior and seal any cracks or gaps with caulk. Pay special attention to areas around windows, doors, siding, and utility pipes. Weatherstripping can also be applied to doors and windows to prevent stinkbugs from sneaking in.

2. Repair Screens Check all window and door screens for tears or holes and repair them as needed. Make sure that vents and chimneys are covered with fine mesh to keep stinkbugs out.

3. Reduce Outdoor Lighting Stinkbugs are attracted to lights. Minimize the use of outdoor lighting at night, or switch to yellow bulbs that are less attractive to insects.

4. Remove Food Sources Stinkbugs feed on fruits and vegetables. Keep your garden free of overripe produce, and clean up any fallen fruits. This reduces the likelihood of attracting stinkbugs to your property.

5. Use Natural Repellents Consider using natural repellents such as garlic spray or neem oil around potential entry points. These can deter stinkbugs without the use of harsh chemicals.

Prepare Your Home Before Stinkbugs Arrive

By taking these preventative steps in August, you can significantly reduce the chances of a stinkbug invasion in your home this fall.

Be Sure You're Ready for Stinkbug Season

Don’t let stinkbugs take over your home this fall. Get professional pest control advice from EcoCare today.